In 2004 we started creating our innovative wheelchair. Our prototypes were tested extensively in practice. Experienced wheelchair users tested our models through national sports societies for the disabled. By listening attentively to wheelchair users and wheelchair specialists, we developed an innovative wheelchair together with them. Gradually, a wheelchair arose that is a merger between rolling and sitting: a Hopper!
More about 04 Products
04 future goals
In the future O4 will continue the cooperation with qualified institutes and universities. Our goal is to continually improve our products using sound scientific knowledge based on scientific studies and the collected data used for these studies. With this we can discover new opportunities to improve the O4 wheelchair. In order to not get lost in scientific theories, we test our data on wheelchairusers in coöperation with our partners. The best way to improve your products is to let your users test it.
The 04 difference
The wheelchairs of O4 Wheelchairs have the following unique combination of characteristics:
- Low seating pressure
- Low rolling resistance
- High adjustability
- High shock absorption